
The Insane car collection story continues... there is another car added to the collection. While awaiting the work that's being done on the Volvo 740, I was in need of a working car.

Marcel, a friend of mine offered the usage of his Peugeot 309 (actually I confiscated it after it's bin parked here for 9 months) but that was a petrol car. When a colleague offered me this car for € 150,= (yes, it's in working order) I couldn't resist. This after finding that the brake even point for this purchase was 3 weeks compared with just the fuelcosts of the Peug, only taking commuting to work in account.

As you can see in the picture, the main reason that the car was this cheap is that it looks like shit. The car hadn't bin washed for at least 4 years. Also all all locks have bin damaged during breakins. Only advantage to this is that the po didn't replace them after the last breakin and after that there hasn't bin any. During the last breakin the thief demolished the lock in the rear door, so there was need for a more creative means to open the door...

The dash is in good condition, but it's dirty, like the rest of the car. The wierdest things I found were dual trip meters for milage, all waring lights are in the dash, not near the clocks and the car has a mechanical warningbel for when you leave on the lights. (and Marcel is already planning to build this into his currert daily driver)

I finally wanted to know how the paintwork was of the car, so I decided to start the big whash of the car. It was pretty dirty. Here you can see the roof when I was halfway.

With this pile of junk it's nice that even something simple as whasing it makes a big difference. Below is the picture after it's bin washed. It's still very dirty, but at least I won't get dirty when I touch it. :-)

I've added a nice app to calculate all costs made for this car. Just folow the link.
If you want to take a look at all the pictures I've got online, take a look here, just click on the image to view the fullsize image.

Last update: 21 September 2005

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